January 10, 2003

Politics: Clobberin' Time

Can you believe this guy?

This joker writes about all the misery and suffering that he has been forced to endure in order to reach his lifelong goal of being a member of the top tax bracket. He (without a touch of irony, mind you) goes on and on about how much he has missed in his life so that he could become this rich, put-upon figure whose paycheck is "devoured" by Medicare, Social Security and state and federal taxes.

Oddly, he begins by recounting how much he has lost to become "a member of the so-called rich." The hardest thing about reading this is that he's clearly miserable, but flaunting his wealth because he thinks everyone objecting to President Bush's tax plan is secretly saying (his words), "You have it, I want it, and you owe me."

Guy (his name is Larry Paquette), you're crazy. Some people actually believe in justice and fairness. You can't stand there in Fresno (that's where he works) and tell me that any criticism of the plan is motivated solely out of laziness by people who don't want to work as hard as you. I don't know if you've ever looked around, Mr. Paquette, but there are plenty of people in Fresno and everywhere else in this entire country who don't have the opportunity you've had. You worked hard all your life, missing birthday parties and family gatherings at a job someone was willing to give you. Many don't get that chance. You put yourself through a college that was willing to accept you. Look at the institutionalized racism, the economic opportunism, the gender gap, the benefits of political favoritism and a dozen other factors and then tell me that everyone has a fair shake.

Your taxes, Mr. Paquette, finance the life you've lived and allow millions of others who don't have opportunities like you to seize a chance. They finance the environmental regulations someone named Larry Paquette seems to support in an August 2002 letter to the editor of the Fresno Bee. Your taxes support the schools your kids may attend, the roads you may drive on, the corporation for which you work and a million other things. Americans have freedoms like no-one else in the world. We can travel nearly anywhere in our country, visit stunning national parks, drive polluting vehicles, fly in our own airplanes, run for office and more. All of this is made possible by taxpayers. I don't think people opposing President Bush's tax plans want your money, Mr. Paquette. But I can't deny that they would love to have your opportunities.


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