March 17, 2003

Politics: Hunnerts of Thoughts

In addition to saying hunnert twice, Bush repeated the amazingly un-proven lie about Iraq harboring elements of al Queda. The only elements of al Queda in Iraq, of course, are some dodgy Kurdish groups. It is obvious we are going to war. There is no reason to repeat this lie. This lie has never, ever been believable, nor has it been even marginally effective in convincing people (including fans of this war) that we should go to war.

Also, Bush accused Hussein of using bugs to spy on UN weapons inspectors. Maybe that is where we got the idea.

What a hole we are digging. It is actually a brilliant strategy. It is fairly well-recognized that an Iraq war, because it represents an un-warranted attack on a containable foe, will bring more terrorism. But hinting that these terror attacks were already imminent makes it seem like the US is attacking a nation that actually represents a threat to us.

Bush used the phrase -overcome hatred-. Interestingly, no comment was made in this 14 minute speech, of the threat to Arab-Americans, who will be victimized along with our unfortunate Sikh friends, simply because of their turbans. Bush did not mention the ten thousand strong FBI agents who will be conducting their own terror war on our rights, starting now. Nor did he mention Ashcroft's virtually insane pursuit of terrorists by targeting plots where no actual crime has occured.

Bush paid meaningless lip service to the Iraqi people, who will unquestionably get their asses blown off by 22,000 pound Moab missiles. I hope they can take comfort in Bush's expression of caring tomorrow (it is 4 am there now) night as they eat their last eighth cup of rice for the month, after the power goes out, as it does every night at around dusk. He hailed them, savoring already his long-awaited vision of Iraqi men dancing in the streets as their oppressors go packing. Sadly, that vision conveniently omits all the blown up homes and hospitals.

Bush also took time to bash the French by comparing them to the appeasers in Europe before WWII. Nice touch, really. Nobody, of course, will point out that while European apathy may have lead to appeasement, American isolationism fed that fire. And of course, nobody in the Europe of appeasement actually sold Hitler some of the tools of his horrible oppression. Remember, the Saddam Hussein of today, like the Taliban in Afghanistan, is the final product of a long campaign to play our great game in the Middle East. Those chemical weapons have -Made in the USA- stamped right on the tanks.

However, in this tiny little speech, Bush did specifically ask members of the Iraqi military not to light the oil fields on fire. I guess he has his priorities straight.


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