April 29, 2003

Politics: Asshole Alert!

Serene in expression but clearly evil Deputy Defense Secretary Paul Wolfowitz said something in the Washington Times that will really endear him to all the Arab and Muslim people of the world. Get a load of this prick:
"I think that already to some extent the magnitude of the crimes of that regime and those images of people pulling down a statue and celebrating the arrival of American troops is having a shaming effect throughout the region," Mr. Wolfowitz said in an interview with The Washington Times.

Presumably, toppling one government and shaming the others into obeying our rule without question hopefully sets the pace for the other rambunctious youngsters, to whom its necessary to set an example. Like the Dread Pirate Roberts said, "I can't afford to make exceptions. Once word leaks out that a pirate has gone soft, people begin to disobey you, and then it's nothing but work, work, work, all the time."

Then Wolfowitz went off the reservation, or rather, off the script and onto the truth:
He specifically mentioned Syria and Iran, both U.S.-designated state sponsors of terrorism, as places where political reform is needed. He said Iran has the potential for a democratic revolution, but he sees less of a chance in Ba'athist-ruled Syria.

"In terms of the larger picture, I think they're like several other countries on a sort of dead-end course," he said. "They're less immediately threatening to us than some of those countries, but I think they're going to have to face that opportunity."

By "opportunity," of course, he means have hundreds of their civilians and thousands of their soldiers killed by American troops, right? Isn't that what he means by "face that opportunity?" Does this guy just make the rules himself? Isn't there someone in charge who doesn't want to topple every county within 500 miles of Israel?


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