June 19, 2003

Politics: We Still Have An Environment?

I know nobody cares about the environment, and everybody wants to buy a goddamn Ford Excursion and drive it slowly in the left lane, but shouldn't there be some outrage about today's NY Times item exposing that the White House edited an EPA report so that all references to global warming were blunted, removed or controverted:
Among the deletions were conclusions about the likely human contribution to warming from a 2001 report on climate by the National Research Council that the White House had commissioned and that President Bush had endorsed in speeches that year. White House officials also deleted a reference to a 1999 study showing that global temperatures had risen sharply in the previous decade compared with the last 1,000 years. In its place, administration officials added a reference to a new study, partly financed by the American Petroleum Institute, questioning that conclusion.


Drafts of the report have been circulating for months, but a heavy round of rewriting and cutting by White House officials in late April raised protest among E.P.A. officials working on the report.

An April 29 memorandum circulated among staff members said that after the changes by White House officials, the section on climate "no longer accurately represents scientific consensus on climate change."

Isn't there somebody who cares about the environment? Anybody? What's most startling about this is that it is like everything else that this White House does: incomprehensible to Americans outside of the Beltway. Sure, I could explain it to them (just pull up a chair alongside my vein-throbbing explanations to familymembers at holidays about what's happening in Washington), but in the end, American's don't care. The environment was something we lost a long time ago.


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