July 28, 2003

Politics: I Say, We Should All Retire Now, Too

A new GAO report explains how America's young people would be bearing the crushing brunt of President Bush's assinine tax cut and the resulting cuts in services, programs and retirement benefits. This is exacerbated by the fact that the leading edge of the baby boomer generation (many of whom double as our parents) are now heading into their dotage, retiring in droves in the next five years.

I say, let's give them a run for their money. I know I've got a new baby at home, so I may not qualify, but if those bums are gonna put pricks like Bush in the White House and stick us with the bill, why not try a little living at home for a while? You know, Fonz it up over the garage, raiding the fridge and breaking the needle in Dad's hifi? Because these folks screwed us, and otherwise, we have no recourse.


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