August 12, 2003

Politics: The Fundamental Rights All British and Australian Citizens Deserve

The Wall Street Journal (via AP) is reporting that some British and Australian detainees at Guantanamo Bay could potentially take plea bargains in advance of their show trials, er, military tribunals. This would be novel because at least two Americans have not been offered the option of military tribunals, plea bargains or even friggin' lawyers at this point. But I digress.

My favorite bit of this article is the quote from a spokeswoman for Lord Goldsmith, who is roughly a solicitor general/attorney general type person in the British government:
The spokeswoman said the talks were being held "to ensure that the British detainees, if prosecuted, are assured a fair trial that meets generally recognized principles, wherever those trials take place."

Fair trial, hmm? Yeah, get in line, Goldsmith.


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