April 07, 2003

Politics: We May Dump the UN, But We Better Keep the Apartment

The U.S. ambassador to the U.N., John Negroponte, is spending $600,000 to renovate the kitchen in the ambassador's residence in the Waldorf Astoria hotel. The kitchen is 10x17 feet, which, with a little math, means that taxpayers are spending $3,529 to renovate each of the 170 square feet in the current kitchen.

No mention of Negroponte would be complete without a reference to his incredibly seedy past. Negroponte was the U.S. ambassador to Honduras in the eighties, where he tolerated, and at times worked with the death squads run by Gustavo Alvarez Martinez. Negroponte and Alvarez coordinated Honduras' role as a base of operations for the Contras, who were getting U.S. weapons to fight the Sandanistas in neighboring Nicaragua. Negroponte's evil deeds continue from there.

Let's buy this guy a new kitchen!!

The whole thing is, if you have an ambassador somewhere, say, Paris, France, then you install them in the residence there. Unfortunately, the U.N. ambassador is treated like a regular ambassador position, with a deluxe joint to live in. Negroponte is from New York, and his private residence prior to his nomination was in New York City. He certainly doesn't need to have a suite with a super-mod kitchen in the Waldorf-Astoria. I guess it's a nice plum, but I think it's a waste.


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