May 13, 2003

Politics: Yeah, No Problems Here, Thanks

One of the most disturbing arguments floating up in regards to this spring's Supreme Court debate on Affirmative Action is the one most easily debunked: that the lingering effects of racism which Affirmative Action is designed to counteract don't exist. This argument claims that America has become a race-blind place where opportunities are available to all equally, and no one judges people by the color of their skin anymore.

Apparently, some vandals in Jacksonville feel differently:
The city that calls itself "The Bold New City of the South" was reminded of its troubled racial past when vandals spray painted racist graffiti on the campaign headquarters of a black mayoral candidate.

It happened earlier this month, when similar graffiti also were discovered on the sign outside the office of a white Republican who supported the black Democratic candidate, Nat Glover.

If America was a perfect place, we wouldn't need laws protecting people from discrimination, hatred and bigotry. But we're far from perfect.


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