May 12, 2003

Personal: Wife in the Post

Say what you will about the Washington Post, but their Bob Levey has perfected the regular folk columnist style from his perch on the comics page for more than 20 years. Today, in a family first, my beloved wife is Levey's lead:

Katrena Henderson would probably scoff if you accused her of being Wonder Woman.

She is seven months pregnant and, by her own account, "a bit big for my stage in this process." She's hardly in shape to leap tall buildings in a single bound, or to borrow trouble.

But trouble seems to be borrowing her. She says that spring 2003 has brought an epidemic of belly-rubbers.

These are busybodies of both sexes who spy the bowling ball in Katrena's midsection and think that they have a right to pat it.

Without asking.

In public.

Even though they are total strangers.

Katrena is totally outraged, of course. But the way she gets even is positively ingenious.

She rubs back.

Love you baby. You're a riot.


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