June 09, 2003

Politics: We're the Worst

Alert reader AB sent the following depressing news story about how short-sighted and plain stupid we are as a country sometimes. Read the whole thing at here.
Lingering anti-French sentiment cancels school exchange program

PARIS - A group of French schoolchildren has been forced to cancel a summer exchange trip to America after being told it was no longer welcome because of anti-French sentiment over the war in Iraq.

The teenagers from Carcassonne, in southwestern France, were told that four of the American families that had agreed to put them up had withdrawn the offer. Other host families, meanwhile, could not guarantee that the children would not be greeted with "unpleasantness."

The 15 pupils from Jules-Fil Lycee had been due to travel to Philadelphia for three weeks in August as part of a 27-year-old exchange program with Springside, an all-girls private school.

More than a quarter-century of student exchange, broadening the horizons of hundreds of kids over the years? Nothing's too meaningful to be pissed on by stupid people fed bad information by their dark-minded leaders. Way to go, Rove.


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