August 27, 2003

Politics: Dean on Warpath

I'm sad that I missed the Howard Dean appearance Saturday (the baby makes planning anything purt near impossible), because I'd like to see all of the candidates speak in person as the campaign continues. But Dean is surging:

  • He has taken a 21-point lead over Kerry in New Hampshire according to Zogby.
  • The Dean campaign has hit the ball out of the park on fundraising for two quarters in a row, and is thinking about "pulling a Bush" and forgoing federal campaign matching funds in exchance for raising a sh*tload of hard money with no limits
  • Capping a month of incredible press (the cover of Time, Newsweek and US News and a whole bunch of slobbery coverage from everybody else, he received this Valentine from the folks at the New York Times.

    Of course, there is the longer-thought issue: Dean is running -- as is absolutely necessary -- as an extremely liberal candidate among the viable Ds in the race right now. But he has the credentials to meld this liberalism with some sensible (though still slightly odious to yours truly) centrist crap that will sell in the hinterlands. This is the formula that worked with Bill Clinton, and Clinton's entire presidency was a demonstration in balancing the necessary playing to the base with the nationally-successful middle of the road policies. [Now is the time for me to insert my necessary digression on Democratic presidential candidates: I will support anyone on the ballot with D next to his or her name on November 2. There have been elections when that person was someone I didn't like but supported and voted for anyhow, and I'm sure there will be more elections like that. But no-one anywhere can tell me that a bad Democrat is worse than a any Republican.]

    Oliver and I haven't discussed what if any kind of candidate endorsing will occur on the Liquid List. Because we are such paragons of civility and virtue, I believe we could sensibly caucus and pick a candidate or each support a different candidate. We'll have to see.

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