August 14, 2003

Politics: Fake. Fake. Fake. Fake. Fake.

Gina Holland's AP item on a gun control case before the Supreme Court is somewhat deceptive. The headline is "Women, Jews, Others Join Pro-Gun Effort." This makes it seem that there is a massive upswelling of support for this case, which involves the desire by some California rugby players to carry assault weapons.

In fact, the groups that signed on are shadow organizations either run by a single person or propped up by the lead group on the brief, the National Rifle Association.

Because I'm afraid of pissing some people off, I won't discuss the Pink Pistols, a group of gay and lesbian gun owners. Also signing on were the Second Amendment Sisters and Women Against Gun Control, both of whom magically appeared after the rise of the Million Mom March. The Jews for the Preservation of Firearms Ownership, the crackpot scheme of one guy in Wisconsin, signed on as well.

There is no problem with these groups signing on to amicus curiae briefs. I can, you can, anyone can. But I object to these groups creating the impression -- and importantly the press perpetuating the impression -- that they are prominent, well-supported groups. They aren't. They are nothing close. A website using HTML 1.0 and a bunch of blink tags doesn't mean you represent anything.


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