August 14, 2003

Politics: Weapons of Mass Destruction? We Meant Presence of Crass Deduction

Josh Marshall has the eye-opener on the big sting. Remember that from the beginning, Rove's War was about winning in 2002, and winning in 2004. The surging Dean campaign has made the other Democrats take stronger stands on the WMD search. If Bush manufactures WMDs or lowers the bar such that anything they find can be called a WMD, then the Ds who criticized are silenced. Of course, all of this is based on the mouth-breathing American public and our SCLM taking the bait, but I pretty much assume that will occur these days.

After witnessing the knee-capping of the Ds on the Weapons of Mass Destruction, keep an eye out for part two of the Rove strategy, "2004: The Year of the Gay."


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