August 01, 2003

Politics: King DeLay

The Seattle P-I's ed-page has a sharp column by Jan Jarboe Russell on the Tom DeLay story: DeLay is the king of the Hill, with hands in every pocket, millions being raised for or via his machine, and a frightening ideological position to the right of President Bush, the most right-wing president of the past 40 years.

Meanwhile, the Houston Chronicle is reporting that a few Texas Democrats are engaging in a DeLay-Damage Control mission during the recess, visiting the Middle East in an attempt to "counter what they characterized as an overly militant speech by House Majority Leader Tom DeLay."

Good luck with that. DeLay's insanity on the Israel issue, largely linked to his mouth-breathing rabid religious right-ism, was profiled in a piece I blogged last week or so. Even Rep. Sheila Jackson-Lee, who is heading to Israel with Reps. Chris Bell and Gene Green, couldn't overcome the insane rhetoric of the King of Sugar Land.


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