September 15, 2003

Politics: Police Chief, Soldier, Endless

An Iraqi police chief was assassinated, and a U.S. soldier killed by a rocket-propelled grenade in separate attacks today in Iraq.

Meanwhile, we're certainly not "bogged down" or anything in this war, even though we talk about the mysterious Sunni triangle like it is a mystical place where the RPGs grow as high as an elephant's eye. For cryin' out loud.

But if you're interested in self-delusion, get a load of the Cheney quote from this weekend's appearance on "Meet the Press." In responding to charges that he is making money from the $2 billion in no-bid contracts that Halliburton has received for work in Iraq, Cheney reassured Russert that a failsafe system is in place to make sure nothing untoward occurs: "I don't know any of the details of the contract because I deliberately stay away from any information on that," Mr. Cheney said.

I feel better already.


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