July 02, 2003

Politics: Let's Try Something Different

Alternet's got the dirt on a new study by the Migration Policy Institute. The findings sound a lot like something a few of us have been saying for a while: "Not Working. Try Something Different." In this case, the non-functioning policy is the Justice Department's "immigrants are terrorist unless proven otherwise" mantra:
''We haven't learned anything about pre-empting terrorism in America, but we have intimidated, antagonized and alienated many (minority) communities (which is) counter-productive to what the FBI and other agencies are trying to do,” he added at the report's release.

What breakthroughs have been made in identifying and apprehending terrorists have been the result of traditional police and intelligence work and co-operation and information-sharing with foreign intelligence agencies, not from any of the immigration initiatives taken by the administration, says the report, which also includes the most comprehensive compilation of the individuals detained after 9/11 and their experiences.

''Arresting a large number of non-citizens ... only gives the nation a false sense of security,'' the document added.

The report is likely to be taken seriously. The MPI's advisory board members include the last two commissioners of the Immigration and Naturalization Service (INS): James Ziglar, who just served in the current administration; and Doris Meissner, INS head under former President Bill Clinton. Meissner co-authored the report.


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