Politics: These People Are Entirely Serious
All take note: The insane have a new web destination: Elect Jim Traficant in 2004.
They have the positively round-the-bend goal of raising $100,000 by October to qualify for federal matching funds. (That's only 60 grand less than Al Sharpton's campaign.) It also appears that they have, with the help of the Memory Hole, captured dozens of Traficant's one-minute speeches. A favorite is this little gem:
Yeah, let's raise some money for this guy.
All take note: The insane have a new web destination: Elect Jim Traficant in 2004.
They have the positively round-the-bend goal of raising $100,000 by October to qualify for federal matching funds. (That's only 60 grand less than Al Sharpton's campaign.) It also appears that they have, with the help of the Memory Hole, captured dozens of Traficant's one-minute speeches. A favorite is this little gem:
Mr. Speaker, last week a girl was crowned prom king in Washington. This week we learn a whole new classification term for men and women: Transgenders. That is right, transgenders. Ohio University has designated 30 restrooms as transgender-type restrooms, able to be used by both men and women at the same time.
They are officially called unisex restrooms. Unbelievable. What is next? Unisex locker rooms with thong/jock support dispensers? How about Maxipad vending machines in locker rooms? Beam me up.
I yield back this higher education business as yet simply getting high.
Yeah, let's raise some money for this guy.
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