September 02, 2003

Politics: The Environment President

Every once in a while I wish I had one of those morons standing right in front of me who said that there was no difference between Bush and Gore during the 2000 election. In fact, if I could conjure up a person out of the air and trap their spirit permanently, I would bring one of those people back and force them to watch firemen die of lung cancer because the Bush administration lied to the Americans people about the safety of the air in lower Manhattan after 9/11.

Then I would bring them back to watch children born with birth defects and families devastated by disease because the Bush Administration lifted the ban on redeveloping land contaminated with huge amounts of PCBs. I guess nobody in the Bush administration remembers Love Canal and all its sister cities. Maybe my "Bush is no different from Gore" friend forgot about Love Canal as well.

I would then conjure that idiot up and ask him about the Bush EPA's decision to abandon regulation of carbon dioxide in automobile exhaust. I'm sure a President Gore would have argued that the Clean Air Act doesn't include the authority to regulate the number one contributor to climate change and a leading cause of asthma, which happens to be one of the fastest growing causes of death in children in American cities. Yeah. Of course, this makes perfect sense considering the Bush roll back of new source review allowing power companies to basically build new plants without adopting Clean Air Act filters on their smokestacks.

I reserve my greatest contempt for people who didn't vote in 2000, because I feel that it is abandoning a most critical civic duty at a time when our nation can scarcely afford to be ignored by its citizenry. But to those who did so because they felt that there wasn't a difference, I can't believe you still think that is true, and I sure as hell better see your asses at the polls come November 2004.


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